Important Tips in Transformer Maintenance

Electrical transformers are crucial and expensive part for any machinery. Thus, increasing product life and performance is vital by performing regular maintenance. Making maintenance process in regular basis could avoid resorting to maintenance breakdowns and reduce shutdown time. Transformer checks are shown below.

Transformer Monthly Checks:

1-    Check oil level in the oil cap and make sure it does not dropped below the desired level so as to avoid the transformer damage.
2-    Clean breathing holes in silica gels breather to ensure proper breathing actions.
3-    Make sure that the oil is filled to the desired level if you have oil-filling bushing.

Daily Testing and Checking:
1-    Check oil levels for main tank and conservator tank using magnetic oil gauge.
2-    Replace silica gels if its colour is changed.
3-    Check for leakages and seal it.

Annual Transformer Maintenance:

1-    Clean bushings of transformer with soft cotton cloth annually.
2-    Take a sample of oil and check for moisture and dielectric strength, if the moisture is high and dielectric strength is low then the oil needs to be replaced.
3-    Clean the inside of the marshalling boxes. Tighten all terminal connections of control and relay wiring.
4-    Clean all protection devices such as switches, alarms, relays…etc.
5-     Examine all pockets for winding temperature indicator and oil temperature indicator.
6-    Check the function of Buchholz and Press Release Device relay.